J. R. Esslemont Cup – For best individual average aggregate from ALL season's competitions on Loch Harray, fly or bait – excluding Inter-County, Pairs and Special Shopping Week Competition.
James Cup – For best basket of trout caught on fly in any one loch competition during the season.
The Bryan Clark Trophy – For the best basket of trout each weighing over 1lb included in any basket caught on fly during any one loch competition (local anglers only).
The Longship Fisherman of the Year Trophy – For the best aggregate of points awarded in fly competitions during the season. Best ten out of fourteen competitions to be counted.
The Association's Fisherman of the Year Trophy – For the best aggregate of points awarded in Brodgar League competitions during the season. Best 6 competitions to qualify for aggregate.
Zawadski Cup – Best aggregate by junior fishing fly in season's adult competition. Cup can only be won twice by any qualifier.
Dave Kemp Trophy – Presented by the family of the late Dave Kemp for the heaviest trout caught in loch or sea on fly or bait during the season's competitions. Sunday, competitions excluded (local anglers only).
William James Cload Memorial Trophy – For best individual average aggregate from ALL season's competitions on Loch Boardhouse.
H. Penman Prize – Will be awarded to any member who has caught during the season, on fly or bait, in open water, a trout of 6lb or over (not salmon). No spinning rods or fixed reels are permitted.
J. S. Wood Trophy – For the heaviest fish caught on fly during the seasons 14 aggregate competitions.
Arty Grant Memorial Trophy – For the heaviest fish caught on fly in any OTFA competition held on Harray Loch including the Any Loch if fished on Harray.
The Dyson Trophy – For the heaviest fish caught on fly in any OTFA competition held on Boardhouse or Hundland during the season.